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‘Power of Choice Team Receptums’ focus on team building and development from a human centric neurological approach.   

We co-create a tailored ‘Power of Choice Team Receptum’ for your change needs as a team, and the organisation if relevant.   

I take a neurological, human centred, approach focus on self-awareness, The team’s power of choice, and team development at a holistic level-  Individual and as a team. The Receptum balances both hard and soft elements of team development, such as purpose, values, beliefs, behaviours, mindset, mindfulness, relationships, career, communications, environment and goal setting depending on your need.

It can be between 1-3 days, and typically includes leadership teams of between 6-10 people. The location can vary depending on the client group. I typically work with an elite selection of other professional partners in the delivery depending on the group size. 


I build and co-create a tailored ‘Power of Choice Leadership Receptum’ for your change needs as a leader, and the organisation if relevant.   

I take a neurological, human centred, approach focussing on development and transformation at a holistic level for you as an individual.

The Receptum balances both hard and soft elements of leadership, such as purpose, values, beliefs, behaviours, mindset, mindfulness, relationships, career, spirituality, finances, food, movement, sleep, body, environment and goal setting depending on your need.

It can be between 2-5 days, and typically between 8-10 leaders (from the same or different companies).  The location can vary depending on the client group, or the primary focus of the Receptum at that time.  I typically work with an elite selection of other professional partners in the delivery depending on the group size.  


We have three Subscriptions


Perfect for you if you are looking for a quick response for ad-hoc coaching or a sounding board on specific topics that come up for you and you want an objective ear and voice to listen, re-assure, ask questions or give advice. Usually centred around knowledge, skills, motivations and competence.

Bundles of 10 or 5 hours can be used as you wish within 6-months.


Perfect for you if you are looking for the next level of partnership and depth. Usually centred around developmental aspects of you- the way you are doing ‘auto pilot’ in your life during change which you feel is no longer serving you, you aren’t getting the result you want. You just aren’t sure how to move forward to change it. You are looking for more in-depth discussions, challenging, partnership and personal change at a behaviour level. We cover personal history, complete a holistic review of your current world to create deeper awareness of self. We then move to open up your power of choice.

Subscription of 15-hours to be used within 12 months. In addition, there is a contracting session (60 minutes) and a final (30 minute) feedback and review session.

Bundles of 10 or 5 hours can be used as you wish within 6-months.


Perfect for you if you are looking for deep ‘re-wiring’ in your way of being. Typically, you will have had some coaching previously, and have a good sense of self. You are likely to be at point in your life where you really want significant change and a deep breakthrough at a values, belief and behaviour level. We cover all what is in the Developmental Subscription, with the addition of a full personal history, values work, changing strategies, release and learn from limiting decisions and beliefs, advanced Time Line Therapy Techniques™, Hypnosis and NLP Change techniques. Finishing up with setting new goals.

Face to face session lasting for as long as is needed for you as the client.


I provide an individualised consultative support service to Executives Leaders/ HR Directors/ Heads of HR/ newly appointed CHRO’s who are facing transformational change in their organisation.  Every organisation is unique like every human being is unique.  The same problem doesn’t mean the same solution applies everywhere because your company’s culture is unique.

I can help you if you want strategic practical advice and mentoring on any of the following areas Culture Change, Change Management and Transitions, Employee Engagement, HR Strategy, Talent Strategy, Team Development, Performance Management, Leadership Development, Leadership Assessment, Inclusion and Diversity, Community Building, Preparing for exec meetings and important presentations. You would be looking for a partner whom you can co-create with in a safe and trusted space, either in a 1-2-1 or together with others in a team.